
“两百多年前,法国鸟类学家Count Philibert de Montbeillard绘制了首个生长图表,用来监测儿子从出生到18岁的身高。一个生长图表代表了一份令人叹为观止的人体测量、统计汇总和图表设计的合成品,通常被界定为“通往健康之路”,也是临床儿科医疗的奠基石。与衡量儿童身高、体重等身体特质的生长图表相比,目前尚无可用于量化大脑成熟与老化的参考标准。为此,来自全球200多个研究单位的科研人员汇集了10万1457名志愿者工共12万3984次磁共振脑扫描影像,跨越了从受孕后115天到出生后100年的生命周期,利用WHO推荐的生长图表统计建模方法GAMLSS,建立了人类大脑毕生发展的发展图表常模,据此确定个体在同龄人中的“百分位数”来量化其大脑遵循标准发展轨迹与否。这些生长图表按性别进行了分类,克服了不同研究中个体评估和技术手段的差异,可以稳定地检测神经与精神疾病的脑形态变化。利用这些图表,研究团队揭示了图1所示人脑毕生发展的里程碑,可帮助确定人脑的发展关键时期。”

北京师范大学 (2022) 左西年课题组参与《Nature》发文揭示人脑毕生发展里程碑


-国家基础学科公共科学数据中心 (2022) “中国活体人脑数据库”助力国际人脑图表联盟在《自然》发文揭示人脑毕生发展里程碑

“Based on more than 120,000 brain scans, the charts are still preliminary. But researchers hope they could one day be used as a routine clinical tool by physicians.”

-Nature News (2022) Your brain expands and shrinks over time — these charts show how

The open data revolution won’t happen unless the research system values the sharing of data as much as authorship on papers.

-Nature Editorial (2022) Time to recognize authorship of open data

“The data on ventricular volume (the amount of cerebrospinal fluid in the brain) is a particular surprise: scientists knew it increases with age, because it is typically associated with brain atrophy, but not how rapidly it tends to grow in late adulthood.”

Nature News (2022) Brain growth charts, discovery gap — the week in infographics

“An ambitious project to construct standardized charts for the development of the human brain. The charts could provide an important resource to aid the recognition of typical and atypical brain development and identification of pathological changes in the brain.”

Nature Reviews Neurology (2022) Research Highlight: Charting brain development across the human lifespan

“The charts are the result of a research project spanning six continents and bringing together possibly the largest ever MRI datasets ever aggregated – almost 125,000 brain scans from over a 100 different studies. Although not currently intended for clinical use, the team hopes the charts will become a routine clinical tool similar to how standardised paediatric growth charts are used.”

Cambridge University (2022) Brain charts: Mapping the rapid growth and slow decline of the human brain over our lifetime

“Our brains are unique snowflakes that change shape throughout our lives. Yet buried underneath individual differences is a common throughline, with the brain growing rapidly during childhood then slowly declining with age.”

Singularity Hub (2022) Largest-Ever Collection of Brain Maps Charts How the Brain Changes Over a Lifetime
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